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UN schedules vote on new Syria resolution

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Russia and the United States and its European allies are still at loggerheads, ahead of the scheduled vote afternoon, there seems little hope, a new resolution of Syria, the UN's most powerful body behind the scheme, unity the end of 17 months in the Mideastern country's civil war.
The key stumbling block to the West needs a resolution, non-military sanctions threatened with Chapter 7 of the Charter of the United Nations, which may eventually allow the use of force to end the conflict in Syria.
Russia is firmly opposed to any sanctions or referred to in Chapter 7. Tuesday night to push Moscow in the revised draft resolution, consultations of the Council, Russia's deputy UN ambassador, Alexander Pankin said, these are still "red line".
Russia will veto any resolution of the seventh chapter, but the Security Council diplomat said, there is still the possibility of a last-minute negotiations.
International envoy Kofi Annan has been two days of high-level meetings, including negotiations, President Vladimir Putin in Russia on Tuesday has been a lot of diplomatic scrambling to try to make the unity of the Security Council, Syria will send a stronger signal. .
Annan told reporters, reporters in Moscow, Putin and his focus "must take steps to end the violence and killings, as well as how to move forward the political transition", he urged the Council to attempt to find language "will pull everyone together for us on this key issue proposed. "
300 United Nations observer force in the Syrian mission expire on Friday that the Council must decide whether to extend.
The United States and its European allies argued for the 90 days authorized unarmed observers to monitor the implementation of the ceasefire and Annan peace plan 6:00 - and the dramatic escalation of violence, they insist that there must be consequences of non-compliance.
Western draft will be non-military sanctions on the Assad regime, if it is unable to recover the key planks of the date 10 days from the troops and heavy weapons in densely populated areas - the Annan Plan.
British Deputy Ambassador Philip Parham said: "after Tuesday's closed-door meeting," We are very open in Russia and the rest of the Council engaged with our partners we have put forward the text.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Putin Annan after the meeting, Moscow to prepare the Council to seek a consensus, but there is no indication how it will resolve their differences to the draft in the West.
"I do not understand the truth, we can not agree in the Security Council, we are ready," Lavrov said, according to the Interfax news agency.
Moscow's proposed resolution calling for "immediate implementation of the Annan plan, approved the guidelines of the political transition in the meeting held in Geneva last month, but did not mention sanctions.
No comments from Vladimir Putin met with, but at the opening ceremony, he promised that Russia will do everything possible to support Annan's efforts.
Russia and China lead to criticism from the international community, twice vetoed UN resolutions, and increase the pressure on Assad.
Although Western countries have the power to the small appetite, Russia fears NATO air strikes in Libya to repeat and resolutely opposed to any international intervention, the prospect of 16 months-old conflict.
William Hague, Secretary-General of the British Foreign Office insisted in a Tuesday trip to Jordan, a Chapter 7 resolution requires the implementation of the Annan peace plan, call the procedure "the best hope for ending the civil war in Syria, and urged Russia and China on the train.
At the same time, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Beijing on Wednesday with Chinese President Hu Jintao met.
Prohibit a rapid and unified action by the Security Council called for.
Run in the official Daily News Tuesday comments strongly opposed the use of force against Syria - a sign that China may once again prevent the Western-backed resolution. It said: "A political solution is the only way to Syria."
Hague warned that Syria, the situation is so severe and unpredictable, I do not think that should rule out any option. "
In New York, the main opposition groups in Syria urges Russia to support the western resolution, said that this is the last chance to "breathe life" to the Annan peace plan.
bassma Kodmani, the Syrian National Assembly spokesman told reporters that if the Council does not take action, Syria opposed to considering other options - which she did not disclose - to protect the Syrian people. She said, "These are currently being considered friends" with Syria in regional and international.
kodmani pointed out that the Syrian people have been calling for a no-fly zone, security zone to provide humanitarian assistance and free of Syrian troops armed.
She said at a meeting, Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told Earlier Tuesday, Russia's threat to veto of sanctions resolution will be a blank check to continue the violence. "

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