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India's cricket chiefs are confident they will secure the government's clearance

Cricket Management Committee in India (BCCI) has invited Pakistan to play three one-dayers and two Twenty20 games in December, in the sworn enemy of the five years between the first bilateral competition.
BCCI spokesman Rajiv Shukla told AFP: "We certainly need formal approval from the government.
"However, I speak of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have no doubt concert tour will happen."
Not played opponents, because, it was sold out after the 2007 Pakistan to India Tourism Series cricket relations after the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, where militants from Pakistan.
Shukla said the BCCI was a Pakistani-sponsored by the are not interested in the game at a neutral venue, slotting, when England, also due to visit India later this year, returned home for Christmas and New Year briefly.
Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, said to reporters in Chennai (Tuesday) in advance from the beginning of this week, said his team will be ready to face Pakistan on the Sri Lanka Tourism.
"Now, in the series have been announced, we will be ready," he said. "As a professional cricketer, and this is what we should do.
"The name of the country is at stake, we will try to win every game, especially if it is Pakistan."
Cricket relations have been a nuclear-armed country, has been regularly meeting to improve relations and, ultimately, to discuss the topics discussed between the Government of the peace agreement.
Countries - cricket is a very popular - have fought three wars since independence in 1947,
India and Pakistan cricket team, not only in international competitions since 2007.
They conflict, the North Indian of Moher town last year in the World Cup semi-final, high-profile game is attended by two prime ministers.
They also played during the Asia Cup in Bangladesh in March. India won the two games.

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