SKF actuators are used in many pieces of equipment to provide powerful, efficient, and reliable movement. However, these products have a finite life and are rated for specific operating conditions.
To attain maximum reliability and availability it is essential that these actuators are used in accordance with those specifications and not kept in service past their intended lifetime. This is particularly important in medical and health care applications where reliability and safety are so closely tied together.
"To help plan maintenance activities, SKF actuators can be supplied with a system that continuously monitors remaining actuator service life and operating conditions", states Vikesh Harikaran, SKF's Business Development Manager - Mechantronics.
Harikaran continues, "This on-board system uses a simple LED colour code to indicate remaining service life based on specific calculations. When the LED is green, it indicates that the actuator has more than 10 % service life remaining.
When the actuator reaches the point when only 10 % service life remains, the LED turns orange. Once the actuator reaches its calculated service life, the LED turns red and a buzzer sounds, to alert the operator that replacement is necessary."
"The SKF actuator monitoring system is available for most standard SKF actuators.
Customers currently using SKF actuators can upgrade without any design changes or retrofits, because the monitoring system fits within the standard envelope, making them dimensionally interchangeable with previous designs," concludes Harikaran.
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