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Treasury Department: Congress Should Adopt Rules Allowing Obama To Veto Debt Cei

Washington, dec 5 (Reuters) - the United States, the ministry of finance said on Wednesday it wants congress to the rules, will allow the United States President barack Obama to veto any rejected his request, in order to increase the country's debt ceiling of regulation, the first time put forward by the senate republican leader MaiKangNaiEr at last year's debt ceiling negotiations, congress will have 15 days refused to the President's request to improve the legal limit. Even if the house of representatives and the senate veto on behalf of the measures, the President can veto against the resolution, so that increase the debt ceiling, unless there is a two-thirds majority in both houses of opposition. The ministry of finance said that the end of this year should improve the debt ceiling, but also it can take emergency action, analysts said, should make the government to keep the payment of a note to February senate majority leader harry Reid, a democrat, said on November 29,, Obama will not sign any "fiscal cliff" agreement, and does not include in the country's $16.4 trillion statutory debt limit increase.

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