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Dead Heat in Vote Preferences Presages an Epic Battle Ahead

Economic discontent, Obama performance in the office are quite displeased, and keep the romney campaign for President in the competition-but not enough margin, overcome Obama strong personal material,. The result is: a hot dead, in midsummer stage of voters preference and future prospects of an epic battle.
Although the majority of americans still do not approve of Obama handling the economy, this is not his only problem. More than half of the fault and medical care and immigration him more. 63% said the country in the wrong direction, a useless view current leadership. And between populations, he lost a record 14% independent swing vote.
All the results, figures, and form, see here PDF.
However, Mr Romney's latest ABC news/Washington post "survey of the major challenges facing. His supporters of barack Obama more inclined to romney clear-" negative" ticket, not to a sure conspicuous. His supporters is so strong Obama enthusiasm. Although Obama is economic weakness, romney is weak evaluation provides a clear economic plan. And barack Obama led a series of personal attributes-the perspective-taking, standing in his beliefs, especially basic likable.
Obama is also expected to continue to exist, although his trouble, Lange research association, the American broadcasting company production, the survey found that 58-34% of americans hope that he finally beat romney, to win a second term. This is barack Obama this plan the best date (used to "republican presidential candidate" to measure), from October last year when a difference, in a higher tones economic discontent, 55% of the people think that Mr Obama would hike lost. Today, even in romney's supporters, quarter think Obama will win.
Obama 1 47-47%, romney has registered competition among the voters, a race that whole definition: barack Obama in the hand, more personally a larger and more energetic party base of the favourite, but weak, achievement; Other romney, his opportunity, USES the Obama through the capture the imagination of the public, he encountered difficulties complicated holes.
For Obama, in view of the economy, is their vote, by 51-33% of the American people on what to do, he will be in his second term as President than he was in his first more facts. Who is more focused on the Obama have done so far of registered voters, romney leading 18 points, 55-37%. In pay more attention to if elected the second term, he will do, in contrast, Obama lead to 59-36%, and 23 point margin. It marked the why he attempts to point out that (" forward "campaign slogan); Romney, back.
Chamber-have stretching feet: 5 mitt romney supporter of Obama's six quarter said there's a chance that they can change their mind and support other candidates. Although few, says there is a "good opportunity, they may change-Obama supporters of only 4%, Mr Romney's 8%.
This suggests that, much change minds, the game is likely to inspire vote-barack Obama has the advantage. In the registration of voters, his supporters half (51%) is "very" enthusiastic, to mitt romney 38%. It can be no matter the strong passion is Obama shattered John McCain in 2008, and George w. bush beat John kerry in a 2004 measures. Even so, Mr Romney's strong passion, but lags behind, the improved since spring several points.
In another measures, in addition, 75%, Obama supporters say they are mainly for him, but not to his opponent. Mr Romney's radical transformation-his supporters to 37%, mainly is he, while 59% said, they are mainly against Obama.
This, to a certain extent, to campaign events in the-this is mainly a referendum on the current. But it is difficult to inspire voters can lack of certain reasons to support a candidate for this measure to mitt romney in the number of 2004 similar John kerry.
Performance and problems-although romney difficulties, including atmosphere as expected, Obama's more performance. His overall job evaluation is 47-49%, approval (such as the same in May). For him it handle economic 44-54% of most of the negative health care, 41-52% (in the numerical low, no approval from last month's Supreme Court decision bump); And immigration, 38-52% (also undisturbed even though he offered to stop the execution for many illegal immigrants arrived in being a minor).
"Wrong" date, at 63%, is Obama's dangerous, but not conclusive. This is to George Bush's lost re-election bid for the 1992 (83%, June). But it also ratio is now (negative 70%) in June 1996, Clinton won this year and second term; Emotional subsidise, along with the progress of the movement. It is negative, and in the 2004 election, President bush won no matter the second before (55% of the "wrong") days.
The problem is whether romney can do better, to a series of problems phone is close. Economic's card-89% of respondents believe that the important thing is in their choices of voting, 53% of the "very important"-romney and Obama trust to handle it, close to the-44% of registered voters (48-45%). They also shut down another problem, offer more definite plan, processing and economic, and 43-38%, Mr Obama and Mr Romney to see.
Even so, people, by 7 o 'clock margin, 43-36%, called on Obama handle economic one important reason, rather than against, support him. In addition to the registered voters, they called it "very" of the economy in their voting choice of important romney lead to 54-41% of the voting preferences. These results underscore Obama need to economy, improve or-an equally difficult task-change within the scope of the subject.
Health care and the deficit and tax trial economy, by the Supreme Court appointment and immigration, in the investigation of the test the primary issue. Romney had 10 points and the advantages of the handling of the trust in deficit, Obama 11, appointed to the high court point. In every rest, they basically connect.
Tax, employment, and bain-a remarkable result is, Obama and romney was awarded

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