Ms Suan Keow Yam from SLS Bearings (S) Pte Ltd passed the course titled "Paper Industry" on 9 May 2009, and became the recipient of the 60,000th certificate awarded in SKF Distributor College.
Ms Yam's feedback about the online training was :-
"The features in SKF Distributors College were very user friendly which made learning so much easier. As a result, I frequently used them to enhance my knowledge of SKF products which benefitted me a lot in my daily work."
Besides the above course, Ms Yam also completed other course titles such as Lock nuts, SNL & SONL bearings housing, Lubrication, Mounted products & FNL flanged bearing housings
SKF Authorized Distributors provide value to their customers by keeping up to date with the latest product information, technology and techniques. That's why the SKF Distributor College was started in 2001 and today offers more than 30 online training courses, many of whom require their employees to participate in the training as a quality measure.
All SKF courses are designed with the objective of making critical product use information available to customers, so that they can improve equipment performance and enable distributors to be better able to support their customers through training in the proper use of SKF products and services, as well as the critical applications in which they will be used.
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