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Company Name:
Lishui Huanqiu Bearing Trading Co., Ltd.

Company Address:
No.11 Shiting Road, Shuige Industrial Zone,Lishui, Zhejiang,China
Contact Person: William

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SKF Automotive in “Pole Position”Auto Africa 2006

SKF Automotive in “Pole Position”Auto Africa 2006

SKF Automotive continues to “Install Confidence” in the market in terms of the company’s “Pole Position Campaign” by offering innovative, quality products to meet the requirements of a rapidly changing market.

Vehicle technology is becoming more complex as electronics and drive-by-wire are playing an increasingly significant role in vehicle systems and it is estimated that within a few years, some 40% of vehicle content will be electronics.

Environmental considerations across the globe are becoming increasingly important every year.

The need for driver safety and comfort continue to grow, resulting in the need for increased new vehicle technologies and standards.

Current new legislation opens up new opportunities and competition with resultant pricing pressures. The key to these opportunities is by successfully strengthening brand awareness and building loyalty is in providing the right products as well as the right technical and commercial support.

SKF, together with their partners, have the capabilities to supply and service the local automotive market.

The SKF stand IF1 in Hall 10 will showcase these capabilities - Technology for today and tomorrow’s vehicles.

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