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Google Glass Has Already Been Hacked By Jailbreakers

With a glass-like name, it is only required to crack.
Google Glass headset has been hacked to death the development release just a few days, full control of its Android operating system to the user, according to Jay Freeman, a well-known of Andr oid and iOS developers who test known Vulnerability in Android glass yesterday and Twitter on Friday afternoon announced his success. "Root" or "jailbreak" technical Freeman found any restrictions, and may be deleted Google may be placed on the glass, although it is still unclear in the end what is, these restrictions may be in the consumer version of the device.
Freeman, who has to deal with "Saurik" hackers jailbreak iOS devices app store called Cydia creation widely used, told me in a telephone interview yesterday, he found glass, running Android 4.0.4, and start testing immediately before we all know, working on a version of Google's mobile operating system exploits. In a few hours, he found that he could use a loophole hackers announced last year, who go by the name B1nary glass full control of the operating system.
"I spent two hours, I was having dinner with friends," Freeman gave me a letter. Implementation of B1nary normal of Andr oid tablet of computers and mobile phones, I learned how to work, then do the same thing on the glass, which is quite simple. "

Freeman Google glass display his photos to prove that he won the "root" access to the device.
Freeman, who gets his glass units by the program developer said he did not fully determined to gain root privileges may break the glass. (He said he has been unable to use him too much, because his prescription glasses, key equipment display more than a few minutes a painful), but he speculated that the jailbreak glass can make it possible to store data locally on the device or Bluetooth linking mobile phone, instead it will be automatically uploaded to Google's servers, some privacy conscious users can enjoy this measure.
Could be another possible function rooting glass (I guess, rather than Freeman) to cut off the capabilities of the device of the remote turn off Google "brick", a permanent ban on its users, if the violation of the Google Terms of use a trick, recently came to light when a glass owners Google warning Do not try to sell on eBay his early test unit.
Freeman said he was able to crack the backup function for equipment used in debug mode and defective glass tricks thought on the developer's machine to run a simulation device to enter. As he described to me:
From the device for backup, modify the backup, and then restore the backup device to be modified. You make a change when the backup and recovery, data recovery, recovery to cover a key configuration files to redirect data. This allows the device to think that this is not a real hardware to run on, you want it, instead of running on the emulator of Andr oid developers test their software in the desktop / laptop. Simulator dedicated to the development, it has full control, and let your "root".
Freeman is not fiddling with glass only hackers. Another named Liam McLoughlin development has been made the root privileges glass the day before, according to the blog 9to5Google.
It is not clear feats Freeman and McLoughlin use the consumer version of the glass, rather than a developer version. Freeman said he was surprised that Freeman devices enable debug mode, and commented that it comes with Google employees, he believes that it has been taken out of the latest version.
However, Google and Apple, long time, adopted a friendly attitude of those who cut their mobile devices, and even allows users and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), in order to eradicate the equipment and sanctions. Google has reached to comment on the matter is how to deal with hackers new headset glass in advance of the 2014 version of the development, if I know more, I will update this article.

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