Italian prime minister Mario says briant, whether he wall plate is now in the upcoming election of any party, but can still lead the future government.
Says briant, he is ready to lead the league is committed to his reform.
Caretaker cabinet prime minister said that he can't accept the former prime minister silvio berlusconi leadership offer from a udc.
The election will be held in February. Mr Briant after resignation, silvio berlusconi's party out of its support.
Technology bureaucratic prime minister Mr Briant was nominated for November 2011, silvio berlusconi center-right coalition government after the collapse of the financial and economic crisis.
At a news conference in Rome, Italy Mr Briant urged parties not to destroy what he said, his government in Italy to save from the crisis of achievements.
"It has overcome the financial emergency," he said. "Italy to hold one's head high European citizens."
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Repeatedly asked him if he was going to run on feb. 24-25 elections, "says briant, who CARES about the related policy, and not in the election of the personality.
"I'm not partial to anyone - I want to party and social power side of the idea," he said.
But he added: "the power of persuasion and credible obey the agenda of the briant, I'm going to put my opinion, my encouragement, if necessary leadership," he said.
"I'm willing to take one day, if necessary, the parliament will entrust my responsibility."
The BBC's David Willie said, Mr Briant in February election may play a role has been under intense speculation in Italy, his chest to play his CARDS close - although he chooses to remain open.
Briant, 69 years old, is an economist, for the first time, he served as a minister, under the leadership of silvio berlusconi in 1994 former commissioner.
His government has been praised its initial reform and financial markets to restore calm, although most of the reform agenda has softened or blocking.
Last Sunday, he called on all parties a push through Italy's labor market and its mechanism of further reform.
He also criticized silvio berlusconi recent attack technology bureaucratic government, although had praise it.
"I try to according to his ideas," says briant.
Berlusconi, 76, has been in a chained and financial scandal.
He made whether he will stay in pre-launch to his sixth election campaign political conflict statement.
The poll, left-of-center pier luigi biel SaNi led the Democratic Party in the general election won the most votes.
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