Bearing in grinding process, its work surface is through the high speed rotating grinding wheel grinding, so in this not according to the work instructions if operation and adjust the equipment, will be in a bearing surface defects work there, so that affect the overall quality of the bearing. Bearing in precision grinding, due to rough demanding, work surface grinding traces can often appear to its macroscopic observation surface grinding trace basically has the following kinds.
Performance appear cross helical trace
Appear this kind of traces of grinding wheel are the main reasons why the bus flat ZhiXing poor, bump phenomenon existing in grinding, grinding wheel with workpiece is only part of the contact, when the workpiece or several times after grinding wheel-forth movement, the performance can be recreated cross helical and the naked eye can be observed. These helical pitch and workpiece, the machine speed speed about size, and at the same time, and the grinding wheel axis line and table guide not parallel relevant.
(a) the main reason for the spiral form
1. The grinding wheel dressing bad, not chamfering edge horn, don't use the cooling fluid overhauled;
2. The workbench guide too much oil, the workbench floating;
3. Machine precision is bad;
4. Grinding pressure, etc.
(2) of the formation of the spiral line with reason
1. V guide rigid bad, when grinding wheel produce offset, just grinding wheel edges and working surface contact;
2. Trim noisy round table the reversing speed when unstable, the accuracy is not high, make the grinding wheel a slightly less edge trim;
3. Workpiece itself rigid poor;
4. A broken wheel is too high and grinding workpiece spalling of scrap iron deposition in the grinding wheel attached on the surface, this should trim good grinding wheel with cooling water flushing or scrub clean;
5. The grinding wheel dressing is bad, have local convex, etc.
Surface has been there
Surface representation is the main reason of the mark has been due to the sharp cutting edge grinding wheel is not enough, happens in grinding on live "phenomenon, this time the vibration is bigger. Cause the surface traces of the concrete reason has been there is:
1. The grinding wheel surface is garbage and oil dirt;
2. Before the grinding wheel dressing circle;
3. The grinding wheel dull. Trim enough sharp;
4. Diamond tighten frame not firm, diamond moved or diamond quality is bad not sharp;
5. The grinding wheel uneven hardness, etc.
Face galling
Surface galling representation is the main reason of the traces of coarse granularity grits after falling off, grits caught in between the workpiece and grinding wheel and cause. The surface in the grinding was the specific reason for the hair is:
1. When the coarse grinding legacy of trace, fine grinding not grind;
2. The cooling liquid coarse grinding grains and tiny grits filter does not clean;
3. Coarse granularity grinding wheel just trimmed to fall off when grits;
4. Materials toughness validity or grinding wheel too soft;
5. Grits toughness and workpiece materials with toughness improper
The surface have straight waveform trace
We will grind workpiece axis of vertical lines cut a cross-sectional and amplified, can see its neighboring approximate to sine wave. The center axis line without turning the translation, sine wave the track of the waveform cylinder is around, also say this for the polygons. Produce straight is the cause of the waveform of relative movement or the grinding wheel grinding wheel on the grinding of the periodical pressure caused by vibration ACTS. The vibration may be forced vibration, also may be the excitedself vibration, so the straight wave frequency are often more than one. Produce straight waveform trace the specific reason for the is:
1. The wheel spindle large clearance;
2. The grinding wheel hardness is too high;
3. The grinding wheel static balance is bad or grinding wheel dull;
4. The high speed;
5. Transverse Qi knife too big;
6. Wheel spindle bearing wear, with large clearance, produce the radial beat;
7. The grinding wheel pressure institutions or table "the crawling", etc.
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