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Lishui Huanqiu Bearing Trading Co., Ltd.

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No.11 Shiting Road, Shuige Industrial Zone,Lishui, Zhejiang,China
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Engine block main bearing failure and repair methods

Under pressure from the gas engine block main bearings in the use of complex alternating load effect of the reciprocating inertia force and the centrifugal force and friction, damage is very serious. If due to improper manufacture and installation of lubrication system failure, the operation is not standardized, it will speed up the engine block main bearing failure. According to statistics, the body's main bearing failure in need of repair the body of the total number of repair units, 60% -70%. After the failure of the main bearing of the body, is bound to lead to severe wear of the crankshaft, to shorten the life of the internal combustion engine. Therefore, the failure of the engine block main bearing should be carefully checked and repairs in a timely manner.

(1) Oil pump failure, pressure lubricated part to lack of lubrication. Should check the oil pump gear backlash and gear addendum circle of the shell gap, if worn too much, to be replaced.

(2) Failure of fuel gauge, oil pressure gauge is fixed in a certain position (normal hydraulic position), but do not know of the internal oil pressure, and thus bearings are not lubricated. Should check the oil pressure gauge, oil oil is blocked, or replaced with new oil pressure gauge; in normal use, do not simply look at the oil pressure gauge to make sure the machine lubrication, but also through the oil level measurement and other inspection methods

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