Company Name:
Lishui Huanqiu Bearing Trading Co., Ltd.
Company Address:
No.11 Shiting Road, Shuige Industrial Zone,Lishui, Zhejiang,China
Contact Person: William
Bearing B2B:
1. The lubricating oil or grease varieties choose incorrectly;
2. Lubrication insufficient (oil level is too low, oil or grease through the seal leakage);
3. Bearing clearance is too small (with choice not appropriate);
4. Bearing mix sand or carbon particles impurities, abrasive play a role;
5. Bearing mix water, acid or paint etc contamination, promoting corrosion function;
6. Bearing is a hole clamp flat (a hole, or a hole roundness bad distortion is not straight);
7. The underside of the bearing pad iron uneven (leading to a hole deformation even crack of the bearing);
8. There were sundry bearing hole (residues have scraps, a mote etc.);
9. Seal eccentric (met adjacent parts and friction);
10. Bearing take an additional load (bearing axial tight by, or on a shaft have two fixed end bearing);
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Bearing term