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Republicans stepping up criticism ahead of debate

(Washington)-for the President's republicans have spent several months to the luster of the voters pitching, but they now find that version of their opponents, outstanding in their record the potential of warning.
Thursday afternoon, the candidate BBS and swing state in Florida day night before the debate, they advise every movement is the consultant may use criticism. As most of the candidate's torturous swing state plan a two-day visit to each other, they are accelerating their rhetoric.
For example: the Texas governor rick perry, under the leadership of the increasing employment during a recession. But rising unemployment last month, the highest level since 1987, rival mitt romney said.
Romney in Massachusetts budget for 3 billion dollars not filled with holes as governor of tax revenue. Improve However, the country backward 46 people, in creating jobs, perry take back.
Don't expect in detail the place of subtle or free pass.
"There are many problems, I want to have answered," romney said, perry (Wednesday) in the event in Miami.
Perry's movement did not solve the problem of mitt romney. Instead, chief spokesman ray Sullivan charge who "seems to forget his republican rivals."
"A 47, in creating jobs and killings and RomneyCare 18000 is working boasts about his record," Sullivan said, romney health overhaul conservatives don't want to touch. "Perry, governor of Texas in the past two months, romney than Massachusetts next four years not added more private sector employment."
With the presidential candidate mitt romney and perry elbow to each other before the leading position-dear michelle Bach mann and tea party, trying to use his top-to wedge plan for their faith BBS and MaiMang Thursday to the debate. They will also be in Friday's conservative conference makes appear and some will visit on Saturday, the party's loyal non-binding test vote.
Earlier on Thursday, according to a poll released, Florida republican slightly like in their party's fighting perry more than romney find a nomination, in the face of President barack Obama next year.
Perry is beneficial to the republican 374 28% of registered voters, compared with 22% of respondents hope their nominee romney. September 14-19, Quinnipiac university by the random telephone survey, the error of plus or minus 5.1% range.
Five, until the first nominated the rest of the game a few months, some candidates running time short and tried to break free bag. Their elderly rich Florida camp this week, and more than he had dropped the most like goals, Obama republicans point to line.
"I forgot to Israel more than rick perry Israel know," former Pennsylvania republican senator rick Santorum in Washington told reporters, trying to rap his opponent's foreign policy speech.
An independent close Bach, ready to start, to broadcast group in perry in Iowa ads. "The problem now is rick perry's character," keep the conservative American advertising in 30 seconds of commercial fox news channel in tin dala skin this air.
Advertising as follows, in Texas criticism of Bach's perry record, and conservative criticism he authorized the echo of vaccine.
Texas Congressman RON Paul, the party's liberal wing love again, as a typical politician, his perry's criticism.
"He know what people are thinking about how to operate, politicians," Paul told reporters Wednesday in Florida in before.
Also set to join the debate: Georgia businessman Herman Cain, former house speaker gingrich, the former governor of Utah HongBoPei and former new Mexico governor Gary Johnson.
But the key is see competition between romney and perry, the political leader, has let the criticism fly. A romney spokesman perry "professional politicians" debate one day in advance. A perry take back, romney aides have nearly five years of full-time campaign.
Romney has spent several years time, building an organization, and has been positive efforts to raise money. Perry, into the campaign last month, quickly jumped to the national poll lead republicans look at romney alternative.
In their last debate, two directly to their face each other's records. These problems have become more points out, because in the future days.

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