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Searching for Mr. Right: Some Republicans unhappy with 2012 field

When perry August to join republican presidential campaign governor of Texas, billed as a potential savior, who will eventually meet the party's members of dissatisfaction with the 2012 field of candidates.
But perry's later entrance not everyone was so pleased. Daniels, the indiana state's governor, a decision to run against the President earlier this year, told the New York times "Jeff Zeleny him not to primary election and focus of" discourse "happy. Daniel, or have other people on into the game time.
Daniel, said he tried to recruit "three, four people" operation for republican presidential nominee, but he refused to say who.
Daniel, why not happy? He said, in the country is talking about enough field faced financial struggle, including how to pay medical treatment insurance and social security benefits such as project.
"People still can enter and competitive opportunities," daniels told Zeleny. "Can I get immediate excited candidate is who is willing to the American people for their level, and is willing to listen to mathematical facts and agree that any other differences, we all is not important."
Daniel said, perry for social security of the rhetoric of governor of Texas-described as a "PangShi scam" and "a terrible lie", may be better operation of the 50 states every retirement plan-hasnt "very helpful."
"If there is a problem" PangShi scam ", it is that it's too frankly, no, this is wrong, but have to stop, he may be unnecessary to scare people, "daniels said.
Indiana governor's opinion, continue to lead the republican party about the party's presidential candidates between the latest sign of discontent.
Romney, perry to before the game, he is in early 2012 survey front-runner, haven't electrification and the party to the republican health care and other discipline basic problems. Michelle Bach to tea party movement), but have been members of the efforts to attract mainstream republicans. At the same time, some republicans, including mike huckabee, rove and former vice President dick cheney's criticism of the perry, it shows that soaring rhetoric, it could alienate voters in the general election.
Although many polls suggest Obama lose a did not wish to be named "common" republican President still beat the leading republican candidate, including perry, Bach and RON Paul in Manchester, head of MaiMang matchups. At the same time, Mr Romney, statistics in the earliest tied investigation and barack Obama than a very good position, his republican opponent, but is not very big consider the President's low approval ratings in recent weeks.
Who lost candidate to beat Obama? Daniels refused to disclose, but there's a chance that he was referring to New Jersey governor Chris Christie, a fellow who has DuoCi fiscal conservative republican rule out pressure, but in 2012 the party's the whole operation. Christie's is denied rumours hasn't stopped, his entertainment the White House bid possibility.
"The Wall Street journal's Paul Gigot" is the latest rumours floating about families, on fox news Sunday show, Christie's "very seriously" reflect on the President's position on his campaign.
"I want to him now and enough people to say, 'you see, this field is weak, no may be able to beat the President," "Gigot said." I think now he thought, very careful. "

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