The first ticket!
Ten, anyway. This is Obama, Mr Romney's tie.
New Hampshire dicks will gap, the small village, stand out each primary election and voting rights in the midnight.
In the adjustment, November 6, (Tuesday), for livestreaming 2012 election coverage. Our election day program kick off at noon, at night the general election campaign that begins night activities
This year 10 voters appeared, they half and half - five tickets dollars - the United States President barack Obama and republican challenger Romney (Mitt Romney).
Obama won the dicks will gap in 2008 vote. But before this, in the election, the town adhere to the more conservative candidate, two choice republicans, and not Bill Clinton.
Dicks will gap and 10 voters may be symbolic, but they are not a country's leaders. Obama won in the dicks will gap in 2008, but the democratic majority town in 40 years is the first time.
Other New Hampshire town, midnight vote slightly more has the largest population (32 voters) hart position pendulum to Obama tonight and 9 Obama, Mr Romney.
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