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Romney slams Obama on defense cuts

Virginia springfield a third consecutive trading day, mitt romney and barack Obama presidential election of the same state, Mr Romney before the audience veterans of debate and is likely to cut defence budget is "unthinkable, devastating."
When it comes to the battlefield state outside Washington, d.c., of the American legion, Mr Romney accused Obama plans to cut the consent of the defense budget, the 2011 vote improve the debt ceiling, called sequestration, says it is a "kind of a gun to your head opportunities", in Virginia, this will stifle employment opportunity.
"They let us army devastating cut. In the first place, this is a strange suggestion, more strange is it in the proper position," said romney. "The impact would be direct and important here in Virginia: 136000 work will be lost, in Virginia this move results."
The White House says, Mr Romney running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan, and other republican congressional leaders to support a seal, when it was put forward. Mr Romney has said that it is a "mistake" republicans in congress backup trading.
But said in Virginia, Mr Romney to blame the face President Obama argue that cut the army in the world when the unrest.
"It is still a confusing and dangerous world. This ten years cut more than $one trillion in military commitment idea is unimaginable and devastating," Mr Romney announced. "" when I became President of the United States, we will stop. I won't cut our military commitment. "
Mr Romney speech about at the same time, Obama in Virginia beach held his own campaign. Recent Fox News (Fox News) survey found that Obama a lead romney between 7 May Virginia voters, 50% to 43%.

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