People often say, the chairman of the federal reserve is unique influence and influence of the domestic and foreign, the second in the world's most powerful people. Although the central bank's next year in memory of his 100th birthday, its power will never more big, its portfolio has never been greater, the global trading never more widely. This is the way to make many lawmakers say why the federal reserve and the government it rule under the control of the time.
"We want to know what is and who do deal is, how much money to go out and all over the world, the central bank has promised to say:" California Congressman Duncan hunter in connection video ·. "Finally, is about transparency. It makes the American people know that the federal reserve to do with your money."
Congressman hunter is audit the fed act, the outgoing of Texas
Congressman and former presidential candidate RON Paul overwhelmingly passed a huge 327-98 margin to the law of the house of representatives last week, more than 200 common co-sponsor one.
The timing of the vote is remarkable, in the next few days, many people believe, may be another round of stimulus, commonly known as "quantitative easing or QE3 background, before the fed meeting.
As much as possible for bernanke criticize him, he has a lot of Allies, not only said he has turned to the country away from depression, but lead and created the most transparent the fed continuously. Congressman hunter says, bernanke the openness of the part is the result of the legislation exists only for, including "suddenly to make more of the fed to be held in the past year or two years."
Hate to three years of litigation bloomberg news, according to the "freedom of information law also incite flame, published" heavy bomb ", which last year unearthed trillions of dollars in the bank before departed private, mostly with foreign Banks and other non American entity.
"At least let us see what, we think is very important, not necessarily the fed decided, it is important to tell us," Congressman hunter says, as audit the fed movement, to make it in the senate will face far cooler reception.
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