U.S. presidential candidate mitt romney has made some of the foreign criticism, on Wednesday, London's Olympic preparations for British expressed concern to the games.
"It is difficult to know that it will become how," romney, who is running in the November general election overturn President Obama told NBC news from London, where he will attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games last Friday.
"There is a disturbing a couple of things," he said.
"There are not enough people to private security firm's story, the so-called immigration and customs officials strike-this is clearly not the things this is encouraging," he warned.
Romney even question whether as a whole of British people behind wonders, said this will be key to their success.
"They go to together to celebrate the Olympic moments? Things, we could find only a game really start," he said.
Mr Romney, a multimillionaire, traders and investors, is called the leadership in the 2002 Salt Lake City scandal damaged and how to prepare a successful Olympic Games first-hand knowledge of the game.
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