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Nuclear plant operators still stumbling

Tokyo (ap)-the crippled Japan nuclear power plant operators in dealing with disaster stumbling block still, 16 months after under investigation by dragging its feet, and tried to downplay, in complex real damage, investigators say, on Monday.
Appointed by the government group's report is a fault in several of the Tokyo electric power company and government doing too little to protect, the highest in March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that island of the blessing of the first factory, processing not responding around the damage of the chernobyl nuclear accident, the worst since the collapse of the three reactor.
Investigators say the practical program is still not solve in its own culture, and its weaknesses in the crisis, including employee ", no adequate training, and think for themselves."
"We still don't think from the accident investigation and enthusiasm," the company, the report said. "Tokyo electric power company must take our research results, sincerely to solve problems, achieve higher safety culture in the entire company level."
The group said, Tokyo electric power company cover up the bad data, trying to measure the extent of damage in the reactor, earlier this year, in a computer analysis. It says, Tokyo electric power company officials admit, simulation is not enough, but they also didn't try again.
The report said, in an interview with team members, Tokyo electric power company nuclear staff to prove the equipment specialized knowledge, but many people do not have to speak, when it was the most need during the financial crisis.
For example, some employees know that water pressure gauge connected to curb ships may be broken, and their measurement results reliable. But they have no questions, the company continuously releasing unexpectedly is a few months mistake data. The new instrument installation in a reaction that pile, almost no water inside, it shows that the other two crippled reactor may have similar situation.
"Not well trained workers to think for themselves, lack of crisis management of the need to be flexible and active thinking way," the report said.
Monday's report, like others said before, operators and regulators failed, in order to improve the safety of nuclear power plants, and in accordance with the international standard, in order to try to reduce the risks, including the possibility of a power outage of serious damage.
March 11, 2011 after molten three reactor, tsunami out of power plant, cooling systems. A nuclear disaster, tens of thousands of people were displaced, will need for decades to clear.
Tokyo electric power company officials said they plan to thoroughly check report, in order to verify the result.
"We will sincerely to respond, if we find anything we should think over," a spokesman for the company said SongBen devotion.
The 450-page report also said that the government and its main nuclear regulators, nuclear industry and security, promote nuclear power as a completely safe form of energy, and open inherent risks.
It says, this is according to the ministry, responsible for NISA is a off tooth entity, failed to live up to its intended effect, government reform organization, makes it more independent and effective.
10, including radiation protection areas of independent experts group, medicine and the law approved in its last meeting last week's report. They handed it to the prime minister Yoshihiko Noda, he said, he will use the conclusions and Suggestions to help guide the new regulatory agencies, this is the beginning of September.
"We serious about it, YeTianYi said:" report.
The group said, the government and Tokyo electric power company failed to prevent the crisis, for such a tsunami is unexpected, but because they are not willing to invest time, energy and money in the fight against natural disasters that may not protection. Reports said, Tokyo electric power company even balance, in a report on the earthquake risk, and required that the government should play a tsunami of possibilities.
"Blessing island is the root cause of the crisis, they are selfish hypothesis, beyond their imagination is natural disasters will not happen. In short, they underestimated the natural disasters," tai long Hatamura affairs committee chairman told a news conference.
Those who seek to echo the congress launched survey, released earlier this month said disaster is a "people" government, regulators and utilities collusion between the results.
The latest report said, crisis management is poor, promote the then prime minister and his cabinet JianZhiRen in factory operation excessive intervention, but increased only chaos.
The report criticized JianZhiRen office and control information, delay the vital public notice about the severity of the accident and express too softening, cause chaos, and public health threat distrust government.
The report said, political leaders disrupted NISA after the first official, let March 12 slippery reactor could melt. Later, all responsible for NISA released by the prime minister's office operation. The first denied NISA months after the collapse.
The group interview more than 770 people, including factory workers, government officials and evacuated, nearly 1500 hours.
The report also found no clear evidence that the original 9.0 magnitude quake caused major damage to the effect of, will trigger a nuclear reactor from the radiation leakage. The conclusion of contradictory parliament appointed the expert group's report, including a reactor is likely by re-blows earthquake leakage.
Hatamura closing wrote in a note, Japan "should take from the nature of the accident, people's way of thinking the defective remind."
"We must never forget this disaster, and continue to learn lessons," he said.

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